“We’re in it to win it,” said George C. Miller of Shustak Reynolds & Partners, P.C. – and win it they did!


We are proud to announce that our firm took top honors for cash donated and number of suits collected in the small firm category of LAWSUITS, a cash and professional clothing drive for local law firms organized by Second Chance and Chaired by San Diego District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis. Our firm collected 18 suits and other professional clothing and $500 in cash donations which will be made available to graduates of Second Chance’s job readiness training program. The program helps at-risk youth, the homeless, recovering addicts and former prisoners reenter the community and workforce.

Thank you to everyone who made our first year in the annual LAWSUITS competition a tremendous success. We plan to up the ante next year!

Schedule a free initial consultation by calling Shustak Reynolds & Partners, P.C. toll free at 888-748-8748, or contact us online

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